Equity Portfolio Allocation

What about the equity side of the portfolio? On the equity side of the portfolio, as we said, we like to use the exchange traded funds. Exchange traded funds are dramatically lower in costs, they represent major market asset classes, you don't have the risk that you have with individual stocks. Individual stocks have more potential but they have a great deal of higher level of risk. In fact, the average individual stock has three times the risk that the average equity mutual fund has. We want to stay away from that completely. If you think about how you go about buying individual stocks, individual stocks are usually bought for reasons that have nothing to do with performance. It's all about trying to do better than the market or out guess the market and it just doesn't work over a long period of time. We do not want to take that level of risk with any of our client's portfolios. So we don't use individual stocks in the composition of our equity portfolios.


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